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What to know about Diabetes and Nail Fungus

Alison Powell
July 29, 2022

Are you a diabetic patient experiencing yellow and cracked nails? Believe it or not, up to half of all nail infections are caused by fungus. Nail fungus can affect certain groups more than others. For example, 1 in 3 diabetic patients suffer from nail fungus which is greater than the general population of 1 in 10 people. In this blog post, we will read about the link between diabetes and nail fungus and which is the best treatment available. So, let’s begin.

Why Nail Fungus has Higher Incidence in Diabetic Individuals

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormal insulin release or sensitivity, as well as a loss of blood glucose control. Diabetes can have devastating effects on many organ systems, including nails. Nails not only have their own problems in the form of various diseases, but they also serve as a screening for various systemic illnesses such as diabetes.  

In a study of more than 1,000 people who were randomly asked to have an extra foot exam, obesity, along with vascular disease and diabetes, was found to be one of the three most common risk factors for fungal nail disease.  

More than just a cosmetic problem for people with diabetes, Onychomycosis is more likely to lead to other issues for the feet. When people with diabetes don't treat onychomycosis, the results can be worse than when people without diabetes don't treat it. So, effective treatment for diabetic patients is the most important thing.

What are the Risks of Nail Fungus?

  • The thickening that comes with nail fungus can make walking more difficult and painful. Nails that have been thickened are also sharper than usual. They have the potential to pierce the skin of your foot.
  • If you do get a cut on your foot, diabetes nerve damage may make it difficult to feel the injury. Bacteria can enter the open wound and cause infection.  

Precautions for Diabetics with nail fungus  

People with Diabetes should follow precautions such as

  • Wash and dry your feet regularly
  • Examine your feet daily for minor rashes, nail changes, and skin breaks
  • Avoid walking barefoot
  • Do not share shoes, socks or nail tools with others  
  • Keep your toenails as short as possible without cutting the skin around them  

What are the Safest Treatments for Diabetics suffering from Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus can be treated in 3 different ways: 1. oral prescription therapy, 2. topical prescription therapy and 3. laser and/or removal of nail in severe cases. For diabetic patients, the safest and preferred method is to threat using a topical prescription therapy as to minimize side effects. 

Caratin Rx's the Topical is a safe and effective prescription therapy with 3 powerful medications in 1 easy to use formula. This prescription topical is only available online at and is conveniently delivered to your home every 30 days. You get continuous care from a board-certified doctor without leaving the comfort of your home.

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