Fungus 411

Fungus And The Elderly - How You Can Help Your Family This Holiday

Nancy Peters
November 16, 2022

Toenail fungus can be persistent and have a negative impact on an older adult's quality of life, despite best efforts to avoid the problem. Toenail fungus causes severe discomfort, suffering, and the spread of the infection can have a negative impact on overall health. This type of illness may also have a negative impact on mental health due to its unsightliness and ease of spread to their fingers. So, this holiday, it's time to make toenail fungus a part of family discussions to prevent your more senior family members from contracting this pesky disease.

Signs of Toenail Fungus

One of the main concerns is that toenail fungus spreads quickly. If infected parts of the nail or skin come into contact with other digits, the infection can spread. Maintenance may be more difficult for the elderly due to a weakened immune system or illnesses such as diabetes and poor circulation. Here are some toenail fungus symptoms.

  • Thickening nails 
  • Patches of green or yellow around the edge of the nails
  • Pain between the toes
  • Bad odors emanating from the nails
  • Nail discoloration
  • Unusual nail shape
  • Scales surrounding the nails
  • Nail bed infection

There are ways to keep your elderly parents safe from fungus, but you may not be able to do so on your own. It will be critical to have the right help to care for your parents.

What Makes Elderly More Prone to Toenail Fungus?

Regrettably, this condition is prevalent among older adults. Because older adults are less able to keep their feet clean and dry, fungal and bacterial conditions thrive on their feet. In addition, it is much easier for pathogens to colonize dry, cracked skin. Symptoms include persistent or severe itching, redness, swelling, and pain.

Tips to Help Elderly Avoid Nail Fungus

Once the fungus has spread, a senior may require medical treatment. However, sanitization will help to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some methods for preventing fungus growth.

  • Maintain Cleanliness: If you bring your elderly parents in for a professional foot treatment, make sure to use only sterilized pedicure materials and follow all sanitary procedures.
  • Keep nails trim : After you're finished, thoroughly disinfect your clippers.
  • Be Alert in Public Places: Encourage your parents to wear water shoes when visiting places where they might come into contact with fungi, such as public pools or gym showers. Make sure they thoroughly wash their feet after each visit.
  • Wear Open-Toe Slippers At Home: As much as possible, avoid wearing socks and shoes, as they keep the feet warm and moist, which are ideal conditions for fungus. Try to wear inexpensive, adjustable, open-toe slippers with closed backs for use around the house. They are breathable, allow the toes and feet to breathe, and are comfortable.

Ways to Treat Toenail Fungus in Elderly

If you are looking for the safest toenail fungus treatment for the elderly, Caratin Rx has got you covered! Caratin Rx experts provide customized prescription therapy. Their prescription therapy combines three powerful medications into one easy-to-use formula. delivers this prescription topical monthly. Getting continuous care from a board-certified doctor at home is unbeatable. Additionally, your prescription is delivered right to your door making getting treatment convenient and easy for your elderly at home. 

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